Dead Like Me, that is. Very cool feel-good black comedy. It's "black" only because it's about so called grim reapers, who quite literally live among us. They are the dead living, as opposed to the zombies that scare us as the living dead. They are dead, but retain most of their corporeal constraints � one happily missing constraint is hangovers after a night of heavy drinking — and their work is to "reap" the souls of the dead, though not for any apparent purpose. So, they need money, food, a home, etc.; and they fall in love and are heartbroken when it's not reciprocated. They are, in other words, dead but not departed. They remain connected to the lives they left behind. Not a bad thing to wake up to on your DVR, sipping your morning chai. I'd call it Existential Heaven. [Existential Heaven |Dead Like Me | TV] 10:21:32 AM |